Mutebi Hakim

My name is Mutebi Hakim. I am 20 years old. I am in S.3

 My father is Muhindo Enock and my mother died while I was younger.

My father has more than 40 children and I’m one of the youngest, he is an African Tradition Healer and has many wives. He doesn’t not pay school for his children. I’m the only one child who has made it to High school in our family. My siblings say am wasting time and money but I’m happy to continue in school because I know that education can make me a better person in my family.

My grandmother from my mother’s side supported me through primary level but now she is old and sick and can’t pay for me. I work as a buildings potter in the holidays to support myself in school but now it is very difficult to work and collect enough money to pay for myself since the school fees are much.

I want to be an engineer and I want to complete my studies.

I was happy to know about this sponsorship opportunity and I pray that you find someone to support me in school. I promise to do my best I get this opportunity.